
Female Infertility

What is Female Infertility?

Female infertility may be characterized by a woman’s inability to conceive and give birth to a baby despite having well-timed and unprotected sexual intercourse for at least 1 year. Female infertility affects more than one-third of the couples diagnosed with infertility. The good news is that most cases of female infertility can be treated so that these women can have their own children.

If you have been diagnosed with female infertility, fertility specialists can help treat the condition.

Symptoms Of Female Infertility

Symptoms Of Female Infertility

Infertility is a common issue that affects couples all over the world. This is characterized by the inability to conceive naturally despite having well-timed, unprotected sexual intercourse for over a year. The main symptom of infertility is the inability to conceive. However, there are other symptoms of infertility in women as well. These are related to underlying conditions that can influence infertility.


While there are various stigmas attached to infertility, today, with the advancement in medical science infertility can be successfully treated. Advanced reproductive techniques (ARTs) can help couple fight the underlying cause of infertility and achieve their dream of parenthood.

Female Infertility - Causes

Female Infertility - Causes

Female infertility may be characterized by a woman’s inability to conceive and give birth to a baby despite having regular and unprotected sexual intercourse for at least a year. Female infertility affects more than one-third of the couples diagnosed with infertility.

The causes for infertility are individual to each person. Having said that, there are a few common causes that can be identified while diagnosing female infertility.

Female Infertility - Testing

Female Infertility - Testing

Infertility testing is the first step in diagnosing the issue. These tests are done to figure out where the issue lies and what the next step should be.

If a couple is unable to conceive even after a year of having regular and unprotected intercourse, they maybe advised to get tested for infertility issues. A fertility expert should be consulted before getting these tests done.

Diagnostic For Female Infertility

Diagnostic For Female Infertility

Any case of female infertility requires the full history to be taken in a systematic way. After a through investigation, its possible to then get a correct diagnosis and then plan the further treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with female infertility, fertility specialists can help treat the condition.

Treatment for Female Infertility

Treatment for Female Infertility

The inability to have children or conceive after a year of trying can be cause to believe that one might be suffering from infertility.

If you are facing problems with infertility, the treatment that you are advised is based on the diagnosis done after all the infertility tests are performed. Infertility is quite common these days and considering the advancement in science and technology there are a lot of treatments options available to treat infertility.

Infertility Risk Factors For Women

Infertility Risk Factors For Women

The inability to conceive a child after a year of regular unprotected sex is known as infertility. There are certain factors that put you more at risk for developing a certain condition. These factors are known as risk factors. Some of these factors are within our control such as lifestyle and diet; while other factors like age are beyond our control.

It is always good to know what these risk factors are.

Female Infertility FAQ's

Female Infertility FAQ's

The inability to conceive even after a year of having unprotected and regular intercourse is cause to believe that you might have fertility issues.

Infertility is a common issue faced by a number of couples. There are a lot of frequently asked questions when it comes to female infertility. We have listed the commonly asked ones on infertility.

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